Fish for tanks
On the Sulawesi Island had discovered the new species and named with Oryzias woworae,. Body compressed laterally, slender to somewhat deep-bodied. Mouth subterminal, lower jaw extends slightly beyond upper jaw. Dorsal and ventral body profile gently arching from head to dorsal- and anal-fin origins. Dorsal surface of head slightly convex just anterior to orbit. Head small to moderate; Snout short; Eye moderate to large, orbit projects somewhat beyond dorsal surface of head. Basal portion of dorsal and anal fin do not project significantly beyond primary body profile. Scales of moderate size, cycloid, and somewhat deciduous; 30-33 in a lateral series. Elongate, filamentous dorsal- and anal-fin rays in males; anal-fin rays lack bony contact organs. Innermost pelvic-fin ray connected to body via a membrane along its proximal half. Caudal fin truncate. Male with a short, slightly conical, tubular urogenital papilla; female with bilobed urogenital papilla. Premaxilla short and broad with distinct ascending process; premaxilla and dentary with two irregular rows of caniniform teeth; males with one to two rows of external conical teeth on the upper and lower oral jaws. No preethmoid cartilage; ossified portions of mesethmoid somewhat hour-glass shaped with no cartilage on midlateral margins; anterior border of ethmoid cartilage irregular. No flanges on the ventral surface of the palatine and the quadrate. Dorsal ramus of hyomandibula not distinctly bifid, single cartilage articulates with sphenotic and pterotic. Lacrimal sensory canal carried in open bony groove. First pleural ribon parapophysis of third vertebra; first epineural bone attaches to parapophysis of first vertebra dorsal to, and not in horizontal line with, posterior epineural bones; lateral process of pelvic bone attaches to third pleural rib (attached to fifth vertebra). Dorsal-fin origin over vertebra 21 or 22. Caudal skeleton with two epural bones; one ventral accessory bone. Anterior procurrent caudal-fin rays slightly hooked at their base. Fifth ceratobranchial toothplates subtriangular, with pavement dentition anteriorly, followed by four to five discrete rows of unicuspid teeth; no small, incomplete posterior row of teeth. Basihyal bone triangular, basihyal cartilage elongate and rectangular. Epibranchial elements incompletely to fully ossified; epibranchial two notably smaller than the other epibranchial elements. Dorsal-fin rays 8. Anal-fin rays 18-19 . Pelvic-fin rays 6. Pectoral-fin rays 9-10. Principal caudal-fin rays i,5/6,i. Procurrent fin rays, dorsal 3-4, ventral 4-5. Vertebrae 29-30. Branchiostegal rays 5-6 (minute, anteriormost ray on left side in one of eight specimens.
Only known from the type locality, a freshwater stream, pH 6-7.
Endemic to Mata air Fotuno, a freshwater stream in the village of Wakumoro, districit of Parigi, in the Muna Regnecy, Muna Island, Indonesian state of Sulawesi Tenggara.
and for now there is an Exporter in Indonesia can provide this species to export you can see at they have successfully breed it.
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