31 Jan 2011

Leporinus affinis

I will continue our American Characins Posting,.. at this posting we will focus on Leporinus affinis as well as the title above,.. 

Leporinus means "little here" and the species was named for its hare-like mouth and two prominent teeth. the origin of this fish habitat are Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. and the Maximum size of this fish is 10" (25cm).   

Leporinus fasciatus affinis is a peaceful herbivore thought occasionally preditory toward its own species, you have to need a large tank (Min. Length 39"(100cm))  with clear water to keep this fish,. and make sure to keep the hardness to 20°dGH and pH5.8-7.8, and keep the temperature between 73-81°F (23-27°C),  to control the water condition and make your tank more decorative you can also put a gravel bottom, roots and such hardy plants as Java Fern or, for less care, plastic plant. The fish live in clefts in sandy bottom of streams formed by currents and are rarely kept because they are plant-eater. In the wild they eat anything which floats by, preferring plants but accepting fruit and fallen leaves. They even "browse" on fallen trees. Since they  become very large, care must be taken when buying one.

as you know since the first above this is herbivore so you can feed them with large vegetables flakes, watercress, lettuce, and chickweed.

the fish is most often imported from Belem but one of Indonesian Exporter have already successful bread it they are PT. Jupiter Aquarium Indonesia and you might also have to know the differs between Leporinus fasciatus affinis and Leporinus fasciatus fasciastus (the picture above),. the differs are the rounded tips on its caudel fins (in comparison with normally pointed ones) and nine cross stripes ( in place of ten on the former). The fish remains greenish in color while Leporinus fasciatus fasciatus has a brick-red throat.

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