for now and several edition of this blog will reveal some of exotic fishes from American especially American Characins. And for the first edition of the American Characins I will discuss about CARDINAL TETRA or Paracheirodon axelrodi. why I am choosing this fish as the first fish that reveal the American Characins in this blog it because this is my first fish that I have bred in my home tanks,. so let we start it,... : )
The fish's common name, cardinal tetra, refers to the brilliant red coloration, reminiscent of a cardinal's robes. The specific epithet honors ichthyologist Herbert R. Axelrod.
Cheirodon axelrodi, Hyphessobrycon cardinalis, Paracheirodon axelrodi or in the common name is Cardinal Tetra are the same fish ( Obsolete Synonym ). It is the family of Characidae, Sub-Fam Tetragonopterinae, its origin are from the Orinoco in Venezuela through Rio Vaupes and north and east tributaries of the Rio Negro in Berazil to western Colombia. found in slow or standing water. And the fish often escape from the collector are often found in streams around Manaus. The Hobbies firstly learned this species from 1956. How do we know which is male or female?!?!?!??? the things that you should be noted is the size, because the female have bigger body from the male and it will be clearly seen when it size reach 4-5cm, and the maximum size that had been written is 5cm (2")
This kind of fish is the schooling fish and I recommend it for most community tanks. Paracheirodon axelrodi has until recently been recognized as a blackwater fish. This was proven inaccurate by GEISLER & HANIBAL (1984): Amazonia 9, 53-86. The fish prefers an open biotope in clear water, positioning itself in tree shaded areas. In fact the fish have a light phobia, especially in the fry. The region within in the tank preferred by the fish is in the bottom of the tank.
If you are try to caring this fish in the tanks at your home, office or any place that you love it and can show it to your friends, but I suggest you to use the aquarium with length 24" (60cm). please meet the standards of their natural habitat for maintaining their life,. you can keep them in the optimal pH value which is 5.8 with variances tolerated between 4.6 to 6.2. The water condition should contain little hardness (4º dGH) with minimal amount of Ca²+, and the Mg²+ - ions, and keep the temperature between 73-81ºF or 23-27ºC. Hard mineralized water can easily result in damage. As an example, calcium blockages (blockage of the kidney tubulii by calcium salt). the tank should dimly illuminated or provide diffuse light. this can be best accomplished by floating plan. I suggest feed them with flakes, FD, Artemia and other small live food.