31 Jan 2011

Leporinus affinis

I will continue our American Characins Posting,.. at this posting we will focus on Leporinus affinis as well as the title above,.. 

Leporinus means "little here" and the species was named for its hare-like mouth and two prominent teeth. the origin of this fish habitat are Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. and the Maximum size of this fish is 10" (25cm).   

Leporinus fasciatus affinis is a peaceful herbivore thought occasionally preditory toward its own species, you have to need a large tank (Min. Length 39"(100cm))  with clear water to keep this fish,. and make sure to keep the hardness to 20°dGH and pH5.8-7.8, and keep the temperature between 73-81°F (23-27°C),  to control the water condition and make your tank more decorative you can also put a gravel bottom, roots and such hardy plants as Java Fern or, for less care, plastic plant. The fish live in clefts in sandy bottom of streams formed by currents and are rarely kept because they are plant-eater. In the wild they eat anything which floats by, preferring plants but accepting fruit and fallen leaves. They even "browse" on fallen trees. Since they  become very large, care must be taken when buying one.

as you know since the first above this is herbivore so you can feed them with large vegetables flakes, watercress, lettuce, and chickweed.

the fish is most often imported from Belem but one of Indonesian Exporter have already successful bread it they are PT. Jupiter Aquarium Indonesia and you might also have to know the differs between Leporinus fasciatus affinis and Leporinus fasciatus fasciastus (the picture above),. the differs are the rounded tips on its caudel fins (in comparison with normally pointed ones) and nine cross stripes ( in place of ten on the former). The fish remains greenish in color while Leporinus fasciatus fasciatus has a brick-red throat.

29 Jan 2011

Abramites hypselonotus

As I promised at this time we will discuss more of American Characins, and as you know for the first title is Cardinal Tetra and the second is Abramites hypselanotus,.

I have not much information of this fish, but why I am interested to discuss this fish is because they way to swim is weird but still beautiful,. because of the way they, swim it named with Marbled Headstander,.
if you ever heard leporinus hypselonotus, & A. microcephalus are as same as Marbled headstander,.... just like the most of exotic fish,. Abramites is come from Amazon and Orinoco Basins.it had been discover in 1917.
when the Abramites still young until 4"(10cm)size they are so peaceful and suited community tank, but the adults will not tolerate others of the species. the maximum size had been written is 4½" (13cm), this fish is the mid-bottom swimmer, they like to swim from the bottom until the middle of the tank.  

if you want to take this fish in your tank,. I suggest you to use a tank with roots and stones but without vegetation. and use medium-hard water to 18°dGH and pH 6.0-7.5 with strong filtration and minimum size of the tanks length is 31", and keep the temperature range 73-81°F / 23-27°C.

 they can browse on algae and will nip new shoots.but I suggest you to feed them with lettuce, watercress, vegetable flakes and small live foods

that's all of my explanation about this fish,. but I hope if you want to add something that I haven't wrote yet, or want to asking some question, please feel free to write in the comment box,..


27 Jan 2011

Paracheirodon axelrodi ( Cardinal Tetra )

for now and several edition of this blog will reveal some of exotic fishes from American especially American Characins. And for the first edition of the American Characins I will discuss about CARDINAL TETRA or Paracheirodon axelrodi. why I am choosing this fish as the first fish that reveal the American Characins in this blog it because this is my first fish that I have bred in my home tanks,. so let we start it,... : )

 The fish's common name, cardinal tetra, refers to the brilliant red coloration, reminiscent of a cardinal's robes. The specific epithet honors ichthyologist Herbert R. Axelrod.

Cheirodon axelrodi, Hyphessobrycon cardinalis, Paracheirodon axelrodi or in the common name is Cardinal Tetra are the same fish ( Obsolete Synonym ). It is the family of Characidae, Sub-Fam Tetragonopterinae, its origin are from the Orinoco in Venezuela through Rio Vaupes and north and east tributaries of the Rio Negro in Berazil to western Colombia. found in slow or standing water. And the fish often escape from the collector are often found in streams around Manaus. The Hobbies firstly learned this species from 1956. How do we know which is male or female?!?!?!??? the things that you should be noted is the size, because the female have bigger body from the male and it will be clearly seen when it size reach 4-5cm, and the maximum size that had been written is 5cm (2")

This kind of fish is the schooling fish and I recommend it for most community tanks. Paracheirodon axelrodi has until recently been recognized as a blackwater fish. This was proven inaccurate by GEISLER & HANIBAL (1984): Amazonia 9, 53-86. The fish prefers an open biotope in clear water, positioning itself in tree shaded areas. In fact the fish have a  light phobia, especially in the fry. The region within in the tank preferred by the fish is in the bottom of the tank. 

If you are try to caring this fish in the tanks at your home, office or any place that you love it and can show it to your friends, but I suggest you to use the aquarium with length 24" (60cm). please meet the standards of their natural habitat for maintaining  their life,.  you can keep them in the optimal pH value which is 5.8 with variances tolerated between 4.6 to 6.2. The water condition should contain little hardness (4º dGH) with minimal amount of Ca²+, and the Mg²+ - ions, and keep the temperature between 73-81ºF or 23-27ºC.  Hard mineralized water can easily result in damage. As an example, calcium blockages (blockage of the kidney tubulii by calcium salt). the tank should dimly illuminated or provide diffuse light. this can be best accomplished by floating plan. I suggest feed them with flakes, FD, Artemia and other small live food. 

25 Jan 2011

Puntius Denisonii

The Denison's barb was originally described as Labeo denisonii by F. Day in 1865. It is also referred to as Barbus denisoniiCrossocheilus denisonii, and Barbus denisoni. Common Names are Red Line Torpedo Barb, Denison's Barb, Roseline Shark, Red Line Barb, and Red Comet Barb.

 It is endemic to the fast- flowing hill streams and rivers of the state of Kerala and South Karnataka in South India. They prefer a water temperature range of 15-25 degree Celsius, pH 6.5 - 7.5 and almost certainly live for over 8 years. it has peaceful and active Temperament. 

like most members of the genus,The Denisonii Barb is not a picky eater. This fish will readily accept flakes, sinking pellets, and other processed foods, as well as small live and frozen foods. It will also eat many kinds of fruit and vegetables, and may pick at soft aquarium plants.

For extremely active species like this, Denisonii should be cared in a large tank. The tank should have open swimming areas, but also plants, driftwood, rocks, or other objects to provide hiding places. The Denisonii Barb does not need a heated tank.

21 Jan 2011

oryzias woworae

Fish for tanks

On the Sulawesi Island had discovered the new species and named with Oryzias woworae,.  Body compressed laterally, slender to somewhat deep-bodied. Mouth subterminal, lower jaw extends slightly beyond upper jaw. Dorsal and ventral body profile gently arching from head to dorsal- and anal-fin origins. Dorsal surface of head slightly convex just anterior to orbit. Head small to moderate; Snout short; Eye moderate to large, orbit projects somewhat beyond dorsal surface of head. Basal portion of dorsal and anal fin do not project significantly beyond primary body profile. Scales of moderate size, cycloid, and somewhat deciduous; 30-33 in a lateral series. Elongate, filamentous dorsal- and anal-fin rays in males; anal-fin rays lack bony contact organs. Innermost pelvic-fin ray connected to body via a membrane along its proximal half. Caudal fin truncate. Male with a short, slightly conical, tubular urogenital papilla; female with bilobed urogenital papilla. Premaxilla short and broad with distinct ascending process; premaxilla and dentary with two irregular rows of caniniform teeth; males with one to two rows of external conical teeth on the upper and lower oral jaws. No preethmoid cartilage; ossified portions of mesethmoid somewhat hour-glass shaped with no cartilage on midlateral margins; anterior border of ethmoid cartilage irregular. No flanges on the ventral surface of the palatine and the quadrate. Dorsal ramus of hyomandibula not distinctly bifid, single cartilage articulates with sphenotic and pterotic. Lacrimal sensory canal carried in open bony groove. First pleural ribon parapophysis of third vertebra; first epineural bone attaches to parapophysis of first vertebra dorsal to, and not in horizontal line with, posterior epineural bones; lateral process of pelvic bone attaches to third pleural rib (attached to fifth vertebra). Dorsal-fin origin over vertebra 21 or 22. Caudal skeleton with two epural bones; one ventral accessory bone. Anterior procurrent caudal-fin rays slightly hooked at their base. Fifth ceratobranchial toothplates subtriangular, with pavement dentition anteriorly, followed by four to five discrete rows of unicuspid teeth; no small, incomplete posterior row of teeth. Basihyal bone triangular, basihyal cartilage elongate and rectangular. Epibranchial elements incompletely to fully ossified; epibranchial two notably smaller than the other epibranchial elements. Dorsal-fin rays 8. Anal-fin rays 18-19 . Pelvic-fin rays 6. Pectoral-fin rays 9-10. Principal caudal-fin rays i,5/6,i. Procurrent fin rays, dorsal 3-4, ventral 4-5. Vertebrae 29-30. Branchiostegal rays 5-6 (minute, anteriormost ray on left side in one of eight specimens.

Only known from the type locality, a freshwater stream, pH 6-7.

Endemic to Mata air Fotuno, a freshwater stream in the village of Wakumoro, districit of Parigi, in the Muna Regnecy, Muna Island, Indonesian state of Sulawesi Tenggara. 

and for now there is  an Exporter in Indonesia can provide this species to export you can see at www.jupiteraquarium.com they have successfully breed it.